Friday, July 14, 2006

You're the editor, why am I doing your job?!

Yesterday, I was asked to assist a co-worker of mine with an aspect of the project he's working on. I was given this task to do because I handled a similar task in my project efficiently and time is a major issue with these projects right now.

So you'd think that the project editor would know what the hell she's doing. You'd be wrong.

She made a point of saying she'd stayed until late the previous night writing out pertinent information by hand. Which meant, of course, that I'd be responsible for re-keying all of the text she'd so painstakingly written out previously -- I lose 15-30 minutes on this time-sensitive project fulfilling a task she ought to have been doing to begin with.

Okay, sure, some times people don't understand that the graphic designers who work beside them on a daily basis work with software. So you chide them once and hope they understand that no, we're not working with Letraset, scissors and construction paper.

So, during our discussions yesterday, I noticed that she had laid out information on the bottom of the page in a two-column format, whereas I and others working on similar projects have this information laid out in 3-column format. I brought to her attention that I and the others have ours in 3-column format, and was informed by her that the Head Cheese made the call that all layouts would be changed to 2-column. Alright, I can adapt this layout to 2-column based on my 3-column, but I'm not looking forward to the headache that will result from changing my project at this late a date in the project.

A full 2 hours into today's workday, after 2 hours since our meeting yesterday, I get an email from this editor informing me that they are, in fact, planning on making this project consistent with everyone else's project. Oops!

So, here's my rant for the day: When your graphic designer tells you, the editor, that there's a continuity error in what you're proposing, DO NOT talk out your ass about what ought to be done based on absolutely no facts whatsoever, LOOK INTO IT and get back to me. It'll save me an extra half-hour of work and you, the curse I've placed upon you. So help me, I never want to SEE her again, never mind work with her.



At Fri Jul 14, 11:42:00 am GMT-4, Blogger Michelle Hopp said...

What is it with people making such goof-ups, especially when they're aware that projects are time-sensitive? I swear it must be something in July's water supply to the city.

So what curse did you place on her? :)

At Fri Jul 14, 09:58:00 pm GMT-4, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that's it..I am so now - I have just the kind of "curse" for people like her. Say when and I will do my spell on her.

She has no place in an industry where time-management is of paramount importance. And she is the project editor? How the hell did she get this job?. Is she THE project editor or only for this particular task? What are the criteria for being one?

Sounds to me like it's who she knows there and not what she knows about the job that landed her in that position. I just wonder.

I tell you, there's always one anywhere you go. And one problem with people like her....they know it all and they cannot be told nor can take constructive criticisms.

She should be shipped out to "Timbuktu"....


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