Sunday, December 10, 2006

Good times, good times..., really. I'm not being sarcastic.

So, yesterday was the annual Comp-Sci (balk all you want, it's just easier to call you guys that) Christmas gathering. For the past 6 years, with one exception, I've been hosting the gathering. The first year resulted in us all gorging ourselves on far too many sweets and deciding to change the format for ensuing years. I think I first made a turkey for the group for the third year, and have for every year since.

This year was the first that I didn't use a Butterball turkey. I haven't been using them as often as I have because of any brand loyalty, but because Grocery Gateway offered them, and having a 12 lb. delivered to me while I lived on my own, without a car, seemed like the most sensible way to acquire a 12 lb. turkey. This year's turkey was a Master's Choice "pre-basted" turkey. I cooked it in the usual way, by rubbing with sea salt and olive oil, then oven-roasting, covered, until the last hour, when the lid comes off to crisp the skin. I'm pleased to say that the results I've been having have not been because of the brand of turkey I've been cooking.

I also presented the gang with their 2007 calendars. The photos can be found at my Flickr account, with captions.

Getting together with this group is always a good time, but I think I look forward to the Christmas gathering more than any of the other traditional meetings — must be because I secretly enjoy hosting parties. It's a shame we don't have more space to hold one in.

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