Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's like a jungle, sometimes it makes me wonder... I keep from going under...

I've taken a seasonal job as a gift-wrapper to help pay the bills. The hours are flexible, the pay is surprisingly good, the location's easily accessible and it's all for charity. If you're on The PATH, feel free to drop by (you might want to call ahead and make sure I'm there). I'm on the ScotiaPlaza Concourse.



At Fri Nov 30, 01:54:00 pm GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the equation of stacy hating wrapping + Leah probably rocking at it x money for a good cause = When will you be there?

At Sat Dec 01, 12:41:00 am GMT-5, Blogger ghanima said...

I'll be there on Monday between noon-4pm, and around those hours on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. Come by and see me! :D

At Sat Dec 01, 01:16:00 pm GMT-5, Blogger ghanima said...

Also, small packages (books, CDs, etc.) cost $3.50 to wrap, medium packages (the size of a cake box) cost $4.50, and large (garment boxes) go for $5.50. We have boxes on-site for $1 each, and "fancy" (extra-wide, metallic and fabric) ribbon is $0.50-1.00 extra.


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