Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tumbleweeds drifting across the blogosphere...
...all silent on the Western front

At this time of year, correspondence is often at its peak in North America. Those who celebrate the holidays usually send out cards or year-end summary letters and pictures to friends and family. Canada Post advises Christmas Lettermail senders to have their envelopes out a full week before Christmas.

Strangely, however, it seems that the blogosphere is remarkably quiet. I've been bursting tell people about what projects I've been working on — such as the (no-longer-secret)calendars I gave to the Comp-Sci crowd this weekend) — but found that I couldn't mention them online, knowing that a diverse range of people I care about read my blog.

I must not be the only who found this public forum strangely prohibitive — Bruce and Jess gave us each a CD of music they wanted to expose us to. Knowing them, they argued for hours about what ought, and ought not, be included. The photography Jess adapted for the front cover was possibly also hand-picked (undoubtedly a lot of time and effort went into it) but no one suspected what they were up to. The fact is that everyone at the gathering this weekend gave out a small gift to the others — acts which required some planning, some care and time — yet they were all a surprise. Even Emma's signature gingerbread came in new shapes this year.

Blogging has become a way to share what's going on our day-to-day existence with a network of people, but strangely, highlights a feeling of isolation when we've got secrets to keep from one another.

So, I've just completed the last project I had for on-the-go for Christmas. It (literally) took days of my time, but no one's going to hear about it unless it comes up in a face-to-face conversation. Best not ask, 'though, it might be that I'm keeping the secret from you.

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At Thu Dec 14, 11:02:00 am GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too true. Blogging will never take the place of a good phone call or even better a girls night in/out. Speaking of which I'm thinking a girls night out (or in) is called for. Maybe soon after Christmas?

I really should call people. I don't tend to do that very much. When people call me we often end up talking for more than an hour which indicates to me that I need to talk to people more.

At Thu Dec 14, 11:03:00 am GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps what you need is some sort of anonymous blog where nobody knows who you are. If only such a thing were available...

At Fri Dec 15, 10:13:00 am GMT-5, Blogger ghanima said...

Em: I'm thinking a girls' night would be just what the doctor ordered. I had a great time at the S 'n' B, even 'though there were only 3 of us. :)

Kev: Yes, it's a shame none of us have set up some sort of mysterious, anonymous blog.

At Fri Dec 15, 02:06:00 pm GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay tuned for a January S 'n B - maybe the 19th?

At Fri Dec 15, 02:09:00 pm GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey it worked!! I posted!!

Now let's see if it lets me post as myself - with my account?

no such luck :(

At Sat Dec 16, 09:30:00 pm GMT-5, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must admit to holding my tongue about what I was pretty busy with the week before the Christmas gathering; not that I've been at that chatty on my blog anyway.

The song picking went pretty smoothly ordering them in a way that we felt made at least some semblance of continuity was trickier.


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