Saturday, July 29, 2006

Must be the heat

I've been spending a lot of time during the week listening to dance/pop music on YouTube. Here's the round-up:

Here's the requisite cute, fluffy alternative for people who don't care about the music I'm checking out. :)

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At Sun Jul 30, 12:44:00 pm GMT-4, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally, it is Sunday. Caty is arriving today.

I bet the "homecoming steering committee" is in full gears now starting from Pearson Airport.

Caty mentioned in her website that she had a long bus ride and I take it to mean that it's from her homebase in Tours to Orly Airport in Paris to catch her plane to Toronto. Well, that is a long trip alright.

Don't mind telling that I am expecting some photos for posting here from your reliable digital camera, beginning at the airport and then some at your parents' place.

But the bottom line is for you guys to enjoy and to have a wonderful time with Caty. Your mom and dad are for sure eager to see her.


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