Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Home-made Sushi

Mmmm...sushiWhen I got home on Tuesday night I realized that I wanted sushi. Normally, when this occurs, I either go to Sapporo and order the Chirashi Sushi, or I prepare various cooked sushi items, as well as a bento/baon or two for work. I chose to go the "home-made" route this time, while using up the smoked salmon I had in the fridge.

Preparing sushi is a lot of work! I had to boil and season the sushi rice, soak the inari in water (it's too sweet, fresh out of the package), heat up the (mercifully!) frozen unagi, make the tamago (I keep hydrated dashino-moto in the fridge for when I want to make tamago), rehydrate the wasabi, slice the cucumber and add the nori -- to say nothing of clean-up!

Sing the baon song!I'm glad to say that my tamago-making technique has improved drastically. It almost looks like what you'd get at a sushi restaurant. I'm especially proud because I've been doing this with a round pan, as opposed to a square one.

While it is a prohibitively time-consuming and laborious process, I'm always pleased with the results, and lunch the following day is hassle-free and tasty.



At Fri Jun 23, 01:21:00 pm GMT-4, Blogger Emma said...

Wow, you've even got the presentation down. It makes my sorry little california rolls look like child's play.

At Sat Jun 24, 04:04:00 pm GMT-4, Blogger Michelle Hopp said...

Very purty!!!

Even the lunch bowl looks all exotic!!

At Sun Jul 02, 01:19:00 am GMT-4, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You certainly beat the 'sushi' bar at Value Mart where I sometimes pick up a prepared one already and it's not cheap, you know. Ever thought of doing a little sushi business on the side? Wow!!! you have truly turned out to be an excellent cook. I guess some of your Lola's "culinary genes" are in you...GO, GIRL....

At Sun Jul 02, 01:25:00 am GMT-4, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I should also say that your mom is an excellent cook's in the genes, really. But I can honestly tell you that you beat most of us when it comes to being a talent in the kitchen. Simply amazing!!!!!


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