Monday, January 05, 2009

First homemade meal of the New Year

Matt had been craving lasagna, so I made one with:I'm told that the goat cheese is well-balanced by the other ingredients.

I also combined and modified these two recipes to create Cashew Butta Twixt, which I've yet to sample (curses, foiled again by chocolate setting time!)

Finally, I'm making Candied Kumquats with the vast quantities of kumquats I was able to grab at the Chinese supermarket two weekends ago.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get around to making myself baon, even.



At Tue Jan 06, 07:41:00 am GMT-5, Blogger Emma said...

where do you find the Buffalo mozzarella (again) I know I've already asked you this, but I forgot.

As I type this Austin says you're going to hurt him for not taking me to the mozzarella place.


At Tue Jan 06, 11:26:00 am GMT-5, Blogger ghanima said...

There's a place on Yonge, North of Eglinton which I think is called DiNardo's which sells it. It's just south of the Noah's, which is here:

The stuff I made the lasagna with was bought at the St. Lawrence Market, 'though, in a cheese stall on the East wall, near the North entrance, upper level of the South Market.


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